Fisker shows off ambitious EV lineup, starting at $29,900

Trending 11 months ago

Fisker showed disconnected a bid of prototype vehicles astatine its first “Product Vision Day” event, outlining nan EV startup’s wide-ranging roadmap for nan coming years. These included nan sub-$30,000 Pear SUV, nan Ronin sports car, Alaska pickup truck, and a caller off-road package for nan Ocean SUV that Fisker conscionable started delivering a fewer short months ago.

Although nan institution had teased a fewer of these vehicles beforehand (and moreover opened reservations for nan Pear past year), TechCrunch notes nan arena marked nan first clip they were each shown disconnected successful prototype form. Fisker hopes to put much than 1 of nan cars into accumulation wrong nan adjacent mates of years — an eager target given, arsenic Reuters notes, nan proviso concatenation disruptions nan mini institution has been facing.

Four electrical vehicles lined up connected stage.

From near to right: nan Ocean SUV pinch Force-E offroad package, nan Pear, nan Alaska, and nan Ronin.

Image: Fisker

The astir affordable conveyance successful nan lineup is scheduled to beryllium nan Pear (which stands for “Personal Electric Automotive Revolution”). Fisker hopes to yet waste nan SUV for $29,900 erstwhile it goes connected waste successful mid-2025, which Electrek notes should bring its value down to $22,400 aft taxation credits. Fisker hopes to deed this comparatively affordable value constituent by producing nan Pear successful ample quantities and pinch a simplified creation process that it says results successful it needing 35 percent less parts than comparable models. The car will beryllium assembled by statement shaper Foxconn successful Ohio, wherever it has a works it acquired from Lordstown Motors.

Other absorbing features of nan Pear electrical SUV see a alleged “Houdini Trunk” that slides down into nan rear bumper to beryllium much abstraction businesslike successful cramped parking spots, nan action to person a chair spot successful nan beforehand of nan car truthful it tin spot up to six people, and a beforehand trunk that Electrek notes slides retired from down nan car’s beforehand grille.

The Fisker Ronin onstage.

The Fisker Ronin.

Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

Fisker CEO stands onstage adjacent to Fisker Alaska pickup truck.

The Fisker Alaska.

Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

Fisker CEO stands onstage adjacent to Fisker Pear.

The Fisker Pear.

Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

Fisker CEO Henrik Fisker stands alongside Fisker Ocean.

The Fisker Ocean pinch its Force-E offroad package.

Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

Next up is nan Alaska, an $45,400 electrical pickup motortruck that Fisker hopes to commencement delivering successful 2025. In a property release, Fisker outlined its ambition for nan Alaska to beryllium nan “world’s lightest EV pickup truck” and nan “world’s astir sustainable truck” to boot, and is targeting a maximum scope of betwixt 230 and 340 miles. It also has a Houdini-branded element; a furniture divider that tin retract to move nan cargo furniture and rear compartment into a azygous aboveground up to 9.2 feet successful length. TechCrunch reports it’ll beryllium built by a statement shaper successful Europe successful nan aforesaid works that has produced its Ocean SUV.

Meanwhile, nan Ocean SUV is getting a caller Force-E offroad package that’s scheduled to beryllium disposable successful nan first 4th of adjacent twelvemonth astatine a value that’s yet to beryllium announced. The package includes higher crushed clearance, 33-inch tyres connected 20-inch wheels, a tile basket, and a much durable underbody plate. 

Finally there’s nan top-of-the-line Ronin, a fiver-seater expansive tourer sports car that Fisker hopes will 1 time connection complete 600 miles of scope per charge. It’s a hard-top convertible pinch 4 butterfly doors pinch ambitions to do 0 to 60 successful 2 seconds. Fisker’s property merchandise doesn’t connection immoderate patient pricing accusation connected nan Ronin beyond saying that it “will beryllium ultra-luxury priced and built successful constricted quantities.”

Source The Verge
The Verge