Google just can't stop leaking the Pixel Fold

Trending 1 year ago

Google is beautiful horrible astatine keeping secrets.

After astir each of nan specifications astir nan company's upcoming Google Pixel 7a and nan Pixel Fold had leaked up of time, Google really revealed nan Pixel Fold successful a tweet.

Now, conscionable a fewer hours up of nan company's Google I/O 2023 event, a 2:37-minute agelong advertisement (via 9to5Google(opens successful a caller tab)) gives america an moreover much elaborate look astatine nan devices Google will officially motorboat today, including nan Pixel Fold.

The NBA star-studded advertisement is titled "The Greatest Watch Party: Google Pixel x NBA," and it astir apt should've been group to backstage (it was alternatively simply unlisted) until aft nan event.

The creation of nan Pixel Fold, which tin intelligibly beryllium seen from each sides astatine respective points successful nan video, has already been revealed, but we did announcement a fewer further specifications successful nan caller video. For example, nan Fold's soul bezel really looks amended successful nan ad, arsenic we now intelligibly spot that it's very reflective alternatively of conscionable black. We regret to pass you that nan chunky bezels connected nan outer show do not look immoderate smaller, though.

We besides get to spot a cool photograph editing instrumentality performed connected nan Fold, successful which an entity is removed from a photograph pinch a elemental digit gesture, arsenic good arsenic a video telephone connected a half-unfolded Fold, pinch nan video successful nan precocious half and video controls successful nan little half of nan display.

Google's caller mid-range phone, nan Pixel 7a, besides makes an quality successful nan video. The Pixel Tablet, which is besides reportedly coming today, is obscurity to beryllium seen, though.

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Source Mashable