Sour Starbursts and French Pokémon: The 8 best tweets of the week

Trending 1 year ago

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Good posts! Like this one Credit: Mashable / Bob Al-Greene / Screenshot: Twitter / @casspa

Though it seems similar it was conscionable New Year's Eve, we're present astir wholly done the period of January. That's beauteous wild, right? Time, what a menace. Before you cognize it, it'll beryllium summertime and, my friend, it won't beryllium a infinitesimal excessively soon.

But for now, we've inactive got to wrapper up the extremity of January and, you know, slog done the last weeks of wintertime and past get done outpouring and each that.

That successful mind, it's been a bully week for tweets to circular retired the month. While you hold for February, wherefore not bask immoderate bully posts? We rounded up 8 of our favourite tweets for you to bask this week, conscionable like we ever do. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

1.This is possibly the champion nickname I've ever heard.

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2. I request sour Starbursts close now. This is simply a fantastic idea.

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3. This 1 mightiness mean thing to you, but conjecture what? It means a batch to me.

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4. An obligatory dril tweet.

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5. And yet different dril tweet.

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6. I ne'er imagined a French Pokémon before, but present I emotion the idea.

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7. Yes, this sounds similar specified a beauteous vibe. No much considering, conscionable being mindless.

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8. And finally, this is thing that would instrumentality with a person, for sure.

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Tim Marcin is simply a civilization newsman astatine Mashable, wherever helium writes astir food, fitness, weird worldly connected the internet, and, well, conscionable astir thing else. You tin find him posting endlessly astir Buffalo wings connected Twitter astatine @timmarcin(Opens successful a caller window).

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