'The Covenant' trailer: Jake Gyllenhaal sets out on a one-man rescue mission

Trending 1 year ago

The adjacent movie from manager Guy Ritchie is superior business.

Director Guy Ritchie's upcoming movie The Covenant is a subject thriller astir the bonzer enslaved betwixt 2 men who prevention each other's lives. They are US Army Sergeant John Kinley (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Afghan interpreter Ahmed (Dar Salim), some connected duty successful Afghanistan.

After a Taliban ambush injures John, Ahmed cares for him and drags him crossed mountains successful bid to get him location safely. However, erstwhile John learns that Ahmed and his household did not person harmless transition to America, helium indispensable re-enter the warfare portion to find them and repay his debt.

The Covenant hits theaters Apr. 21.

A pistillate with abbreviated brownish hairsbreadth successful a striped sweater.

Entertainment Reporter

Belen Edwards is an Entertainment Reporter astatine Mashable. She covers movies and TV with a absorption connected phantasy and subject fiction, adaptations, animation, and much nerdy goodness.

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